주사위 어플 PIP입니다.
이렇게 심플한 어플이 또 있을까요? 주사위 어플입니다. 주사위만 할 수 있습니다. 다양한 주사위를 한꺼번에 등장시켜 플레이 할 수 있는 어플입니다. 알록달록한 주사위 어플입니다. 더이상 다른 기능은 없습니다.
어떤 사람이 필요할까요?
어플 설명 (개발자 제공)
- Fixed a crash found by Holden the Cat, happening when furiously trying to add more d10s after the page is already full.
- Fixed a crash found by Pip's Old Guard, happening by the rust of Pip 2.0 still on their devices.
- Pip 3.0.1 is between 16% and 40% the size of version 3.0, depending on your device.
- Locked state of dice is now saved when you exit the app.
- Fixed shadows not showing up correctly in older devices.
- Fixed tray sensitivity, causing it to sometimes not opening but still making the sound as if it did.
- Fixed an issue that would make dice go under the tray when opening app.
- When device enters Low Power mode, Pip renders at 30 frames per second instead of 60 to save battery.
- Walls are now sloped in so dice are never rendered outside the screen.
- Dice are thrown with a more random strength when double tapping.
- Rendering reflections faster.
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