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RPG게임, 물마시는 습관, 쉽게 퍼센트 계산하는 방법. 아이폰/아이패드 어플 앱(21년 01월06일)

by 어일깔보 2021. 1. 6.

- 받고싶은 어플이 유료로 나온다면 여기를 읽어주세요. [읽기]

- 어일깔보는 유용한 어플을 유튜브에서 소개하고 있습니다. [바로가기]

○ Angel Town 3- new idle game



‎Angel Town 3- new idle game

‎【2020 New Idle RPG】 ◆The world's most amazing idle RPG is on your iPhone ,iPod,and iPad!We will continue to update the game and more something playful to come~ 【Features】 ◆High-paced real-time strategy ◆5 battle modes: PK, BOSS, TD, PVE,2V


○ i know percent

각종 퍼센트 계산을 쉽게 할 수 있는 앱입니다.



‎i know percent

‎i know percent is a modern and elegant application for calculating percentage that works in real time. Easy minimalistic interface allows you to perform tasks quickly. We also included help screens, where you can learn about the application of percentag


○ Simple WaterTracker

2021년 물 마시는 습관을 길러보세요. 물마시기 기록 어플(앱)입니다.



‎Simple WaterTracker

‎Simple WaterTracker is a minimalist approach to tracking your daily hydration. Most water tracking apps are more complicated than necessary.  Staying hydrated is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Set a water goal and track your progress through


