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판매가격: $1.99 → FREE
Push ups: 100 pushups pro
Build a Great Chest & Strong Arms.
Train from 0 to 100 pushups in 10 weeks.
● Get ready to live your dream.
Made by the Clear Sky Fitness Experts, the same people that built the famous Situps, Pull-ups, Squats, 5K Runner and 10K Runner apps.
다운로드: https://itunes.apple.com/kr/app/id556434930?mt=8
판매가격: $3.99 → FREE
Measuring Tape AR
Measuring Tape AR is an innovative utility app that uses augmented reality (AR) to redefine the way of measuring things.
Measuring Tape AR is the fastest, smartest way to measure physical object's dimensions or any distances!
- Just two taps are required to capture any point-to-point measurement'
- Displays in metric or imperial units
- Save & store your measurements in the app
다운로드: https://itunes.apple.com/kr/app/id1297209973?mt=8
판매가격: $1.99 → FREE
Blox 3D Junior
블럭스 3D 주니어는 아이들이 3D로 물건을 구축 할 수있는 재미 있고 쉬운 방법입니다.
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다운로드: https://itunes.apple.com/kr/app/id876367051?mt=8
판매가격: 0.99 → FREE
Pocket Pong: Beer Pong
Now you can play beer pong with your friends without any cups, balls, or mess through Augmented Reality! Play anywhere, anytime simply by selecting the desired game mode and have your friends scan your QR code to begin playing!
- Local Matches: Play with your friend in the same room live!
- Global Matches: Play with a random player from around the global to see who emerges victorious!
- Time Trial: Shoot as many cups as possible within the time limit! Use power ups and build up a massive combo!
- Practice Mode: Hone your skills and try to sink all 10 cups in the least amount of time possible
- Customization: Over 30 different ball skins to choose from!
- Leaderboards: Create an account to show off your Pocket Pong Prowess
- House Rules: Play with REAL Beer Pong rules!
- Real ball physics
- No advertisements!!! We just want you to have a good time
다운로드: https://itunes.apple.com/kr/app/id1392271428?mt=8
'오늘만 FREE' 카테고리의 다른 글
반짝! 오늘만 무료 어플 (2018년 8월 22일 구글플레이 기준) (0) | 2018.08.22 |
반짝! 오늘만 무료 어플 (2018년 8월 22일 앱스토어 아이폰 기준) (0) | 2018.08.22 |
반짝! 오늘만 무료 어플 (2018년 8월 21일 구글플레이 기준) (0) | 2018.08.21 |
반짝! 오늘만 무료 어플 (2018년 8월 20일 구글플레이 기준) (0) | 2018.08.20 |
반짝! 오늘만 무료 어플 (2018년 8월 20일 앱스토어 아이폰 기준) (0) | 2018.08.20 |